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Principal's Welcome:

Welcome to Caruthers Elementary School’s website, and thank you for showing an interest in our school. Caruthers Elementary is located approximately 16 miles southwest of Fresno in the heart of raisin country. Our school is one of two elementary schools in Caruthers Unified School District, along with Caruthers High School.

The school has extended its mission to look to the future and identify innovative research based methods of assisting all students to achieve high standards. Our mission is to be united as an educational team with students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators, governing board and all other participants in the school community. Our goals include promoting academic achievement for all students, maintaining a safe and healthy school environment, providing opportunities that develop positive character, and guiding and preparing students for post secondary opportunities.

Caruthers Elementary is relentless in getting all students on grade level. Assemblies are held quarterly to honor students for their academic achievement and for demonstrating positive character traits. Our staff receives regular training in instructional programs that are aligned with CA state standards. Additional support is provided by a certificated resource teacher to ensure that the needs of all students are met.

We encourage parents to get involved in their child’s education. Parents are encouraged to volunteer as tutors in the classrooms, help in the library, attend field trips and all student productions. We pride ourselves in working closely with parents and community members to enhance the quality of your child’s education. If you have any questions about our school, please call the school office at 495-6432, or you may email me at

Alisha Cogburn